Borderlands 5 Contents
Elizabeth E. Monteleone & Thomas F. Monteleone, eds.
Published by Borderlands Press.
288 pages.
Cover price $35.00
ISBN 1-880325-37-3
(Buy at Amazon) (Buy at Shocklines)
- "Rami Temporalis", Gary A. Braunbeck
- "Stationary Bike", Stephen King
- "Father Bob and Bobby", Whitley Streiber
Short Stories
- "Smooth Operator", Dominick Cancilla
- "The Food Processor", Michael Canfield
- "Story Time with the BlueField Strangler", John Farris
- "Answering the Call", Brian Freeman
- "N0072-JK1", Adam Corbin Fusco
- "The Growth of Alan Ashley", Bill Gauthier
- "Dysfunction", Darren O. Godfrey
- "Time for Me", Barry Hoffman
- "The Planting", Bentley Little
- "A Thing", Barbara Malenky
- "Prisoner 392", Jon F. Merz
- "Infliction", John McIlveen
- "Faith Will Make You Free", Holly Newstein
- "Magic Numbers", Gene O'Neill
- "Around It Still the Sumac Grows", Tom Piccirilli
- "All Hands", John R. Platt
- "The Goat", Whitt Pond
- "Head Music", Lon Prater
- "Slipknot", Brett Alexander Savory
- "The Thing Too Hideous to Describe", David J. Schow
- "One of Those Weeks", Bev Vincent
- "Annabell", L. Lynn Young